Shipping and Returns

How long does shipping take and where do you ship from?

We ship from the US!

US / domestic orders take anywhere from 5 - 7 business days to be delivered once shipped.

International orders can take up to 20 business days.

However, please keep in mind that shipping may be slightly delayed during holidays.

How much is shipping?

All US orders ship FREE! International shipping, however, is $24.95.

Where is my tracking number?

Your tracking number will be sent to you once your package ships.

You will find it in the shipping confirmation email that is sent to you.

If you can't find it, please contact me and I'll have a support agent send it again!

I entered the wrong shipping address, what should I do?

Please reach out to me.  

As long as your order hasn't shipped yet, we'll be able to update your shipping address for you.

Which locations are you unable to ship to?

We can typically ship packages out anywhere (except for some select countries).  Unfortunately, do not ship to PO Boxes as we have to ship some packages out via UPS.


Which shipping carrier(s) do you use?

Well... that depends what items are ordered.

But we mostly ship items out either via UPS or USPS.

Please reach out to me if you need to know which carrier we use for a specific product!

What should I do if my order was returned to sender?

Please reach out and we'll have it shipped out again.

Orders / Refunds / Returns

Where is my order confirmation email?

First, please check your spam folder for the e-mail.

If it isn't there, then please try checking your other e-mail addresses (it's possible you may have ordered with another e-mail).

If you still can't find the e-mail, then please contact me. I'll try using your name and other details to find the order for you!

Can I cancel my order?

If you need to cancel your order, please contact us ASAP!

Custom orders cannot be cancelled if already in production.

Do you offer refunds?


We offer a 90-day money-back guarantee.  

How do I get a refund?

Please contact me.  I'll walk you through the refund/replacement process.

Where is my refund?

If you paid via credit card, it can take around 10 business days for the refund to go through. PayPal refunds should be instant unless you paid via credit card or e-check with PayPal. 

My order arrived damaged!  Now what?

Please contact me.

We can have a replacement shipped to you for no extra costs.

What happens if I forget to enter my promo / discount code?

Don't worry, you can just contact me and I'll apply it to your order (in the form of a partial refund).